
T!LT’s Favorite Things

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A Listicle of T!LTed Holiday Gifts

Like Oprah’s Favorite Things, but SURPRISINGLY APPROPRIATE.

Holiday shopping panic—we mean, SEASON—is in full T!LT. We know you’re scrambling to find the perfect presents for everyone from your great-grandmother to your golden retriever. But we’re not sweating the holiday gift hysteria, and you shouldn’t either. Why? Our T!LTed Thinkers put together a list of a few of our favorite things with items ranging between Oprah, Julie Andrews and Ariana Grande… and we figured we’d share the wealth. So take a page out of our T!LTed gift guide and be the talk of your office Christmas party. If all else fails, just skip right to our “For the Party Animals” section and buy yourself something to take the edge off. You might need it.  

For the Pet Parents 

 For the Party Animals 

For the Foodies 

For the Homebodies 

For the Workaholics 

 For the Outdoor Enthusiasts 

Seth Cotterman